Thursday, August 6, 2015

thoughtful thursday: how to de-stress

with school being right around the corner, with it, comes a lot of extra stress we don't typically feel in the summer. there's projects, tests, waking up early, staying up late, friend drama, and everything in between. i'm a very naturally stressed out person, so over my 20 years of living, i have come up with a list of ways i like to de-stress, some of them are relaxing, some are fun, and some help get your "creative juices flowing". i'm definitely not a professional, and i'm just informing you on what has helped me before! if you're interested, keep reading :)

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1. read a book: not related to school, it will get your mid off of things and take you to a new place, with new people, and new drama. also, it's a better alternative to watching tv or a movie because you can sit and relax, and not be staring at a screen.
2. take a shower: the heat and steam from the water make it easier to breathe steadily. if you're more into baths, take a bath and use some lavender scented bath salts or bubbles, and put your phone away!! have a relaxing bath without the distractions of your phone.
3. color a picture: this one is my favorite, coloring in all the little spaces has always been very relaxing for me, and you have something to show for it. i love channeling my stress into creative energy.
4. light a candle: scents are very soothing, especially if they are linked to a happy memory. for example, clinique happy has always reminded me of hugging my mom when i was little, so it really really relaxes me.
5. make a list: make a list of all the things that make you happy, make a list of all the things you like about yourself, make a list of things you want to buy, anything you want!
6. work a puzzle: another great one because at the end, you have something to show for it. the concentration it takes to work a puzzle will get your mind off of whatever is stressing you out.
7. online shopping: maybe this one is only helpful for me, but i love looking at things to buy while i'm stressed, and you don't actually have to buy anything, just look around!
8. reading the news: i know this one can sometimes be stressful because of the content of the news, however for me, it's quite relaxing in the mornings for me to sit down with my ipad and read the huffington post. it makes me look at the bigger picture and realize that there are more important things going on in the world.
9. cleaning: this is the one that i do  most often. it's stressful to see clutter and mess around you, so clean up your room. it will make you feel productive and accomplished!
10. go through pictures: another one of my favorites. look back on pictures from vacations, fun times in your life, and  remember that good times like these are coming in your life again, and it gives you something to look forward to.
xo, hailey

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  1. Online shopping <3 that's the best thing to de-stress!

  2. I actually needed these tips, great advice!

  3. I actually needed these tips, great advice!

  4. Yes, these are great tips :)) Happy weekend doll xx

  5. These tips are a definite must try!
    Great going!

  6. Great tips to get you through everything from stressing over finals to how to pay back those pesky student loans years after you get your degree. lol

  7. Great ideas! Finding ways to put things in perspective is very helpful when it comes to stress. It can help your realize your problems aren't as big as they seem. I also like to color and find it's a great way to unwind and stop thinking about everything.

  8. Great tips.
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